
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hujan Tidak Pernah Salah

Konon katanya mendekati imlek, curah hujan sedang tinggi-tingginya. Tapi yang pasti musim penghujan di Indonesia memang datang dibulan Oktober-April. Seperti sore ini. Jakarta hujan lebat sejak 4jam yang lalu. Banjir dibeberapa titik sejak 2 hari yang lalu belum juga surut sudah ditambah hujan lebat. Belum lagi jalanan akan 3x lipat macet. Berhubung saat ini era-nya social media, pasti kita akan membaca beberapa orang yang menggerutu tentang hujan. 

Well, sebenarnya hujan itu air yang turun dari langit yang segera memenuhi sumber air untuk kehidupan dibumi. Lantas kenapa orang menyalahkan hujan? Hujan itu rezeki. 

Tetapi memang dasar ada beberapa orang yang suka mengeluh. Panas dia mengeluh, hujan pun dia mengeluh. Maunya apa sih? *jambak rambutnya*

Panas itu juga rezeki. Tanpa matahari kita bisa apa? Cucian ga kering-kering *tersosialita*, tanaman butuh matahari untuk fotosintesis, dan lain sebagainya.

Bisakah kita tidak mengeluh terhadap cuaca? Biarkan alam menjalankan tugasnya. Syukuri, nikmati dan resapi karunia dari Tuhan ini. Seharusnya kita bisa lebih peka terhadap alam. Menjaganya untuk tetap lestari. Alam dan manusia harus selaras. Bumi ini sudah tua, bencana ada di segala penjuru permukaan bumi ini. Seharusnya dizaman canggih ini, kita sudah bisa meminimalisir segala kemungkinan bencana. Bencana memang tidak bisa dihindari. Tapi kita bisa mengusahakan agar dampaknya tidak parah. Coba sekali-kali bicaralah kepada alam. Nikmati setiap hembusan angin, resapi suara-suara dedaunan.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner is really touchy movie. I suggest you to prepare a pack of tissue for watch this movie beside the popcorn and coke. The Kite Runner is a honest movie, with sumptuous cinematography by Roberto Schaefer. And i really love acting of Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada as Hassan. He's a good young Afghanistan actor. What a fit casting for Hassan character with his mien will make us apprehensive.

In this movie, we will know that Afghanistan was a peaceful and beauty country. Kids play kite, people socializing. But that just become a history since war Russia in 1979 they were come to Afghanistan, and got worst after Taliban rule the roost until today.The visual effect of the kite tournament will make us to flash back too our childhood that was happy and free.

Setting movement from 1979 to 2000 that very drastic, from happiness to situation tense, properly executed. The Kite Runner will mix our emotion. Hassan really heartfelt become a best friend for Amir. He will do anything for save Amir, although he bore poignant. Very different with Amir, he is come from wealth family but such a loser. 

The Kite Runner is a movie that adapted from a Khaled Hesseini's novel. David Benioff write the screenplay very good from the novel. Amir and Hassan are best friend. Hassan is Amir's family servant's son. They are always play together. Until Amir realize that he doesnt have brave for help Hassan when he bullied by a faggot teenager. Amir do anything for make Hassan and family out from his house. And since the war, Amir and his dad move to America and they are start new life there.

The Kite Runner

Director: Marc Forster
Writer : David Benioff (screenplay), Khaled Hosseini (Novel)
Cast : Zekeria Ebrahimi (Amir), Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada (Hassan)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Studio Ghibli Addict

I really infatuate with all of anime from Studio Ghibli. All of them very beautiful. If Hollywood have Disney, Japan have Studio Ghibli. The movies always got award. You can find the info Studio Ghibli & Hayao Miyazaki movies at

Unfortunately, Hayao Miyazaki retired this year after release The Wind Rises.
Studio Ghibli's movies always have very beautiful picture, your eyes will be sparkling. And the stories also very good and sweet. So, my obsession right now is collect the dvd from Studio Ghibli.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Happy New Year Folks!! I know its to late to post about "Happy New Year" tapi lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak.Ehmm tergantung urgency  nya sih . hahaha

I really love what happened in 2013. It really amazing. I made my own movie, i meet incredible people, have a good life. Ahhh... I'm so blessed,,, Gue ga bikin resolusi untuk 2014. Sama seperti waktu mau memasuki 2013. Gue hanya berdoa, ditahun 2014 dan seterusnya, i will have much better life. That's it. I want my movie success, may be i can start produce my feature film concept, i want my relationship with him will be much better, ibadah juga mau ditingkatkan lagi

So... gue ga mau sok religius or something like that untuk menyikapi tahun baru ini. Ga mau manisnya cuma di bulan Januari. Perjalanan masih sangat panjang. Cukup mohon sama Tuhan untuk diberi kekuatan hati dan kuping menghadapi para hatters yang mulai bermunculan. Ini jalan hidup yang gue pilih. Apapun itu yang gue lakukan, itu tanggung jawab gue sendiri. So fuck off with those people. 

Bersyukur banget dikelilingi teman-teman yang bisa nerima gue apa adanya. Yang dengan suka rela bantu gue saat gue lagi butuh bantuan.

So... Have a nice life everybody