Monday, February 18, 2013


This movie is based on novel by Dee Lestari. Marcella Zalianty as producer (and also director) choose 5 stories from 11 stories. Very beautiful and poet stories. I was think, and have a question because 5 female directors basically are as actress. So, how if they are make a film? And... The answer is, they are good enough. Marcella as producer she is smart, she collaborate with senior filmmakers. Pak Yadi as dop and Cesa David as editor. And yeah... the cinematography very beautiful (especially scene where Sophia Latjuba wake up in the morning) . I was think this movie will be separated as a story. I was wrong! They are blend 5 stories, but the result is very good job. Not make audience confuse. The editing very great!

The title from This movie are:
1. Malaikat Juga Tahu, (Marcella Zalianty) 
2.Curhat Buat Sahabat, (Olga Lydia)
3. Hanya Isyarat, (Happy Salma)
4. Firasat, (Rachel Maryam)
5. Cicak di Dinding (Cathy Sharon)

The best appearance goes to Lukman Sardi and Sophia Latjuba. Totally awesome!

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